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Closing the
Imagination Gap
Use Groq, Fast.
Move seamlessly to Groq from other providers like OpenAI by changing three lines of code.
- With our OpenAI endpoint compatibility, simply set OPENAI_API_KEY to your Groq API Key.
- Set the base URL.
- Choose your model and run!

Groq Powers Leading Openly-available AI Models
And Groq runs 1,000+ models from AI communities such as HuggingFace.
Why Openly-available Models
At Groq, we highly value contributions to the open-source community and the benefits it delivers the AI community at large, including how it:
- Fosters Innovation: Openly available and open-source models allow the developer community to more easily experiment, collaborate, and iterate – which we believe leads to more innovation. As we always say, the speed of iteration is the speed of innovation.
- Promotes Transparency & Reproducibility: Openly available and open-source models provide transparency into the development process, providing background on how models were trained and how they might make predictions. This can mean improved reproducibility of results and increased trust in AI systems.
- Increases Accessibility & Democratization: Openly-available models can reduce the cost of developing and maintaining AI models. This inherently makes AI more accessible and usable for a broader range of people, organizations, and industries, promoting the democratization of AI.
The Groq Developer Community
Discord Channel
Chat with the Groq team about your needs, feature requests, and more by joining our Discord community.
Groq Speed Read
The Groq Speed Read is a weekly developer newsletter featuring new features, apps, and what’s coming up.
Developer Events
Don’t miss all the developer-focused events that we host, sponsor, and attend! Check out upcoming events.