Trademark Policy

July 12, 2024

Our trademarks: Groq uses a variety of trademarks words, graphic designs, or other indicia to identify the source of a Groq product or service. Our trademarks are an important and valuable intellectual property asset of the corporation. Groq’s registered trademarks and other trademarks include GROQ (regardless of stylization, capitalization, translation, or other presentation), the Groq “g” logo, GroqChip, GroqView, RealScale, TruePoint, GroqWare, LPU and Language Processor Unit and others.

Finalized External Brand Names

Approved Accompanying Nouns


Singular: Accelerator, Device, Processor

Plural: Devices, Processors


Matrix, Technology 


Main: Interconnect, Technology

Components: Network, System, Cables, Connectors


Visualizer, Profiler, Tool 


Singular: Accelerator, Device, Processor

Plural: Devices, Processors


Singular: Accelerator, Device

Plural: Devices


Suite, SDK, Software Development Kit, Tools, Programs


Compute Cluster, System(s), Network, Architecture 


Server, System, Module, Processor, Device


Platform, Linear Algebraic Accelerator, Accelerator, Inference System


Platform, Linear Algebraic Accelerator, Accelerator, Inference System, AI Inference Technology


API Software, Platform

For a complete list, please contact us (see below for contact information).

Unless you are licensed by Groq under a specific licensing program agreement or equivalent authorization, use of Groq logos, such as the Groq corporate logo or trade dress is not allowed. You are never authorized to use any modified versions of our trademarks

Referring to Groq products: Trademarks must be used properly. Follow these guidelines for using Groq’s trademarks and brands properly in all communications, documents, and electronic messages.

Use the full name of the product at its first and most prominent mention (for example, “GroqWare™ SDK” in the first reference, not “Groq Ware” or “Groqware”).  Unless specifically noted, abbreviations and acronyms should not be used to refer to Groq products or trademarks. 

When using any Groq trademark, you should follow these basic rules for proper trademark use. 

You may not use Groq trademarks in any manner that directly or indirectly expresses or implies Groq sponsorship, affiliation, certification, approval, or endorsement in relation to your product or service or in such a manner that it appears that Groq is legally associated with your company.

A Groq trademark may not be the most prominent visual element on your marketing materials for your product or service. Your company name or logo, your product or service name, and your graphic identity should be significantly larger than any Groq trademark.

You should follow the basic rules for proper trademark use. Trademarks are neither verbs nor nouns so use them as an adjective to describe or modify the generic product or service.

 Always capitalize and use trademarks in their correct form and never in the possessive form.

Attribution statements: Marking trademarks with ® or TM symbols is required on its first use, such as in the title or on the first page.  Please also include an attribution statement, which may appear in small, but still legible, print, when using any Groq trademarks in any published materials—typically with other legal lines such as a copyright notice at the end of a document, on the copyright page of a manual, or on the legal information page of a website. 

Typical attribution statement format: The format of the attribution statement should be similar to the following:  

GROQ, the Groq logo [if used], [any other Groq product or service marks (in alphabetical order)] are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Groq in the United States and/or other countries. 

Promotional and descriptive uses: If you would like to use GROQ trademarks in your product literature to describe functionality of Groq products or software or for other promotional purposes, you must first receive permission from Groq. Please submit your request to [email protected] with a description of your intended use, and an explanation as to how Groq products, documentation or services are integral to it.  

You do not need permission for referential use (e.g., to refer to Groq as an organization), provided that such use does not imply endorsement by or association with Groq.  You do not need our permission to use Groq’s other trademarks to describe GROQ products or software in explanatory materials, provided that such use does not imply endorsement by or association with Groq.  Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about your use of a Groq trademark.

Domain Names: Because of the likelihood of confusion, using the Groq name in a domain name is prohibited without express written permission from Groq.

Additional trademark permissions: In addition to the trademark authorizations granted as set forth above, Groq may agree to grant additional permissions upon request. Please submit any such request to us at our contact email below. 

Groq, however, retains the right to revoke any trademark authorization for any reason or for no specified reason. Groq is particularly likely to revoke authorization if, in its sole discretion, it finds that your use of the trademark is likely to bring disrepute to Groq or any of its trademarks or if your use may confuse the public.

If you need more information or have questions about this Policy, please contact us at [email protected].